Wednesday, November 04, 2009

One Year On

Well im still in the same flat, still unemployed, but now to spend 100 hours doing community service. Why? because the lack of judgement at a time of stress? (I'm not sure why!) I did some bad things and was arrested, charged and pleaded guilty. And got a slap on the hand. I asked a lot of friends to pray for me as I could of gone to prison. So a major event in my life happened 3 days before all of this took off......

I Turned 40

So what next Ill try to do the next few things but don't be to bothered if i don't.....

Improve Health (Cant cure it but can make it more manageable)
Debt Reduction (in progress but slow).
Driving License.

The above are in no particular order just to get one in the next year would be nice.....

Well ill try to post a bit more (He said that before....Editor)

Post later peeps

1 comment:

Draybird said...

Meh:) Only three wheels on you're wagon, but you're still moving along?

Go for it Bro' You'll find a lay-by t'build, fit a new wheel, and keep moving. You have the vision and the skills. Heck, I've known you long enough.